Right up there with treason, rebellion, and insurrection are crimes that undermine the legitimate function of our constitutional republic. These crimes should come with mandatory prison terms. Conspiracy to commit any of these crimes should come with severe sentences due to the existential threat they pose to the republic. Conspiracy to commit a crime against the republic elevates the crime to rebellion, insurrection, or treason. Such crimes affect every citizen of this nation.
Crimes against the republic come with consequences to our nation that enemies would normally employ spies to accomplish. A crime against the republic is as severe as being a spy for a foreign adversary, and the punishments should be commensurate with penalties for spies. These crimes undermine the legitimate role of the government and can result in a civil war.
Voting Fraud
Voter fraud is a blatant crime against the republic since every fraudulent vote deprives American citizens of their constitutional rights to representation in their nation’s government. A conspiracy to commit voter fraud is an insurrection. A plot to commit voter fraud undermines the entire democratic system and poses the threat of replacing duly elected officials from attaining their positions representing the people.
Fraudulent victories at the ballot box reduce nearly half the population to a serf class with no say while elevating bad actors to a ruling class with the only voice in the use of government resources.
The Politicization of Public Office
The politicization of public office is a crime against the republic since public employees’ compensation comes from the tax dollars of the entire population, not just the funds provided by one party. The politicization of public powers disenfranchises the members of all other parties from their rights as citizens. Conspiracy to politicize government resources deprives others of their right to equal representation and application of the law.
Failure to Follow Federal Laws by Federal Employees
Any public official entrusted with implementing federal law is acting in defiance of the constitutional system by refusing to do so. Refusal to enforce is an act of rebellion or insurrection and is devoid of fidelity to the laws and policies the people have established. When a public official accepts a paycheck to enforce federal law yet refuses to, they are defrauding the public from their compensation. Any official who refuses the obligations of the office should be dishonorably discharged and charged with fraud immediately.
Refusing to Answer to Congress
Congress has the most significant authority of any group in government. The House and Senate are the representatives of the people. All government agencies fall under their jurisdiction. Congress has the right to oversee all that goes on in government (including black projects). There are no government officials who do not answer to Congress. No person or agency has the right or authority to refuse to produce information from Congress. Refusal to deliver requested information is insubordination and lacks fidelity to the Constitutional system. Any individual who refuses to produce requested information should be dishonorably discharged, charged with fraud for taking a salary, and criminally charged with contempt of Congress. Refusal to deliver subpoenaed information should come with mandatory prison time.
Concealing the Use of Federal Funds
Similar to refusing to answer to Congress, concealing the use of funds involves deceiving Congress. Allocating funds without the knowledge of Congress is tantamount to stealing the funds personally. If the dispersion of funds is concealed, there is no way to know if it is deposited in personal accounts or used for bribes. Ultimately, the taxpayers have an absolute right to know where their money is spent: taxation with representation.
Receiving “Kickbacks” for Allocation of Funds
As long as there have been politicians, they have acted as “Peddlers of Pull.” A politician can send 50 million dollars to an official in another country that offers to send 5 million back through payments to shell companies. All politicians should (as a condition of sacrifice for public service) face mandatory financial investigations. A panel of investigators established by Sheriffs should investigate any significant gain in net worth by a public official. Inquiries should continue for at least five years after leaving office. If the money originated from money dispersed by the government, they should face charges of crimes against the republic since they are stealing from the nation’s taxpayers. There is also the concern that they are simply doling out resources to the highest bidder, not basing decisions on the citizenry’s interests.
False flag events
False flag events should be one of the most egregious crimes against the republic. False flag events include framing or attacking citizens.
Suppose federal employees are embedded with a group of people and act out in a way attempting to frame a group of people. In that case, the offenders need to be not just dishonorably discharged. They should face maximum prison times for violating those affected’s constitutional rights and acting as rebels or insurrectionists. An example would be federal employees posing as activists for a group they are not part of and then engaging in violent or destructive behavior to frame that group. It is a complete betrayal of public trust for public employees to frame citizens.
Framing elected officials elevates the crime to sedition, rebellion, or insurrection, and they should face the imposition of charges commensurate with sedition, rebellion, or insurrection. Conspiracy to frame an elected official is an act of insurrection and should come with the maximum penalties law allows.
Spying on Citizens Without Warrants
Our Bill of Rights contained amendments to our Constitution protecting liberty. These amendments aimed to protect the people from a tyrannical government taking form. Specific actions are common among dictatorial regimes. Tyrants silence the opposition, persecute religious worship, disarm the people, spy on and search people at will, arrest and condemn without trial, impose horrific sentences, and more.
History has shown that when given the power to spy on citizens, there is always a contingent of government agents who engage in such activity. Just like the people in prisons, they didn’t think they’d get caught. When caught, they should face severe penalties since they are violating the primary rights of the citizens. Any betrayal of trust on a level that violates the rights of liberty should be on par with treason or being a foreign spy.
Governors Making Laws (mandates/dictates)
Governors are elected for a specific role and granted authority associated with that role. Legislators are elected to write laws and are given power on their part.
The Governor can veto or affirm laws drafted by legislators but cannot create their statutes. In 2020, we saw many Governors around the country appropriate the authority of the legislators and issue “mandates” for the people.
Many of these mandates directly contradict the constitutional rights of the people. They used the term “mandate” since “dictate” is associated with tyrants. Police arrested or fined people for violating these unconstitutional dictates. The appropriation of powers not delegated to their position is a crime against the republic since it is an act of rebellion or insurrection against our constitutional system. No public official can abuse powers while being faithful to the Constitution, and such a person should be immediately dishonorably discharged from the government.
Voting for a bill without knowing where and why money is being appropriated.
“We have to pass the bill to know what’s in it.”
-Nancy Pelosi
If a CEO of a public corporation said, “We have to sign the contract to know what’s in it,” they’d be fired for breach of fiduciary trust. Politicians signing bills without knowing precisely what is in them should be removed for the same reason.
Our Sheriffs and Attorney Generals should be able to investigate and question state reps on the contents of a bill they voted on. This way, the citizens can petition their Sheriff to investigate. An Attorney’s General appointed or elected by the Sheriffs should remove the politician if the investigation reveals them voting on a bill without knowing the contents. Politicians should keep records proving their innocence and competence the way business owners have to keep records for taxes. Public officials should have the same fear of the people that the people have of the IRS. The path to recourse needs to be as close to the people as possible and, therefore, be in the hands of the Sheriffs.
The people should be able to petition their Sheriff to bring the representative before a tribunal and be questioned on what each program in the bill accomplishes. If they are unaware of where the money appropriated is going and for what cause, they are in breach of fiduciary trust. They may not have to know everything, but they must be dishonorably discharged from the government immediately if they are unaware of a large portion of funding (the amount to be determined through debate).
Invoking DEI/ESG Policies
DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is antithetical to existing law. These policies involve discriminating against the factors protected from discrimination in the Civil Rights Act. DEI is just a reboot of affirmative action. ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) investing breaches fiduciary trust. The government is to invest the people’s money where it benefits them, not groups allied with legislators or the government directly.
Engaging in Domestic Terrorism
Peaceful protests are legal and Constitutional, but the use of violence, destruction of property, or commission of crimes for political purposes is domestic terrorism. Using force or threat of force to intimidate and silence opposing views deprives citizens of their freedom of speech and threatens their representation. People cannot speak freely and gain support for their opinions when their safety and lives are at risk. Domestic terrorism must be clearly defined with objective terms, i.e., “commission of a crime for political impact or reasons.” Domestic terrorism must come with mandatory imprisonment.
Deception by Redefinition
Redefining terms to change data and report results is a public trust betrayal. The manipulation of unemployment data is a perfect example. Unemployment used to be the inverse of the labor participation rate. If 95% of people are working, the unemployment rate is %5. During the Obama administration, the definition of “unemployed” changed several times. Each time the meaning was altered, the unemployment rate was instantly lowered by simply changing who qualified as unemployed.
We saw the same with Covid 19. The CDC’s guidelines originally stated that clinical mortality is the critical data point. Next, the cases were reported, not the mortality data. “Cases” are not to be reported since severity isn’t represented without mortality data. Following this, the definition of “cases” was changed several times. The result was a corresponding “spike” in cases by simply broadening the definition. Changing definitions is a deceptive practice used to manipulate the public. This elevates to a crime against the republic when done for purely political purposes. Changing definitions to deceive the public for partisan reasons is an absolute betrayal of public trust and a crime against society.
Passing Legislative Authority to Non-elected Bureacrats
Our nation was created as a constitutional republic, so the people’s representatives created the laws. The people have recourse to any laws created that they disagree with.
The people may (and do) replace representatives through elections when the reps create policies the public doesn’t agree with.
When representatives create positions in government that make their own “laws,” i.e., Bureau of Land Management, ATF, EPA, IRS, and others, the legislators absolve themselves of responsibility for the rules created by these agencies. This allows the agencies to develop onerous “laws” that can’t be tied to the legislators and leaves citizens with no recourse. Lawmakers wash their hands of the rules and claim it has nothing to do with them when it has everything to do with them.
A legislator’s responsibilities involve being held accountable for their actions, and it is a betrayal of the public trust to pass that authority to an unaccountable person. This would be akin to a person with top-secret clearance hiring a person who does not have authorization to do their job for them. They have been entrusted with the responsibility and don’t have the authority to delegate to another who is not qualified. The qualification factor that gives legislators the right and responsibility to create laws people are subject to is having been legally elected by the people.
Lawmakers have a fiduciary responsibility to the public to see that all laws come from the legislature, and the public is never subject to any “laws” created by a government agency that has no statutory authority to do so.
Creating an agency that can make “laws” without statutory authority is a crime against the republic. Doing so deprives the public of their right to hold representatives accountable. Any legislator voting to create such an agency should be dishonorably discharged at the least.
If anything, government bureaucracies should come up with recommendations for laws. Those recommendations can be given to members of Congress for consideration in upcoming legislation. If a law is created based on a request, the legislators who vote for it will face retribution at the ballot box if the public opposes the new law. Such laws should be voted for as standalone, not bundled into an omnibus reform.
On this note, the Supreme Court should strike down any “law” not created by legislators.
These are just a few examples of crimes against the republic. Please feel free to list any more suggestions in the comments.