Our lives, our liberty, and our property are never in greater danger than when Congress is in session.
-Mark Twain
Every time Congress is in session, they create more laws. The very nature of this means every year, we have more regulations. Each additional law establishes a need for more administration and enforcement.
Every year, the government grows, as does the need to fund it. Taxes increase, and freedom is diminished. Government growth has created a demand for deficit spending. The cost of government is now more than the public can bear and keeps expanding. Deficit spending is good for crooked politicians but bad for the American people. Controls that prevent or limit the government’s growth and the expanding need to fund it must be in place.
The government grows until it is too large to maintain. Our tax code alone has over 60,000 pages; no individual knows the entire code. You could have ten tax attorneys prepare your taxes and get different amounts from all of them, only to have the IRS claim you didn’t file correctly. The ability of Congress to continue to write laws without removing antiquated laws creates a state that leads to a government too large and cumbersome to function correctly and one that bankrupts its citizens.
In the future, we must have policies that create natural limitations to the number of laws on the books.
When every law passed has a mandatory sunset of 7 years, legislators’ time will be mostly spent determining which laws to keep. This forces our government to prioritize its time on what matters most to society and prevents the government from growing into an unmanageable behemoth.
Mandatory sunsets on legislation and limits on the number of years a person can serve as a public employee create a natural limit to the percentage of the population working for the government in any given year. A corrupt government can never breach such natural limitations.
As long as these objective standards are in place, there can only be enough regulations for legislators to review every seven years, and only a fraction of the population can be government employees at any given moment.