Our nation was created as a constitutional republic with democratic elections. It is not a “Democracy” like the Marxist liberals contend. Pure democracy is nothing but mob rule. Such a society will always devolve into tribalism, whereby one group rules over another. The ruling class can act with impunity, while the subjugated class will be punished for any transgression (real or perceived) against a ruling class member.
Before the creation of the United States Constitution, all countries were tribalistic in some form. The US Constitution was the first government created of, by, and for the people. Our government was designed to secure the rights of the people. The United States Constitution makes it clear that the rights of individuals are super-ordinate to the powers the people give to the government, and the government has no authority to infringe on anybody’s rights. Aside from the rights established in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we have common law (ratified into constitutional law in Article 7) and laws created by our elected legislators. All laws passed by federal legislators must be congruent with the Constitution and common law. Any law which violates individual rights or common law case precedent should be struck down immediately.
We have established a process for electing legislators, and if we don’t like the laws they pass, we have a method of recourse (by electing new legislators). If we wish to change the Constitution, we have an established process to alter the Constitution through amendments. Elected representatives created all amendments, and the laws represent the values of the people at large.
What is law other than codified rules that are clearly stated/defined, easily understood, and come with a punishment for those who choose to violate codified law? Penalties for violating a law cannot be excessive, hence the constitutional provision protecting against cruel and unusual punishments. When determining whether a sentence is “cruel or unusual,” we look to hundreds of years of case law precedents to ensure punishments fit the offense.
Political Correctness and Cancel Culture are undefinable rules created by a minority of the populace that have arbitrary (and genuine) punishments that do not meet case law precedent standards. Any who punish based on these standards create and enforce their non-constitutional system of laws. Elected legislators don’t make Political Correctness policy. When people are punished for what they say, their First Amendment rights are violated, and they are punished simply for speaking their minds.
You cannot respect our “democracy” if you are engaged in punishing people through political Correctness or Cancel Culture. A democratic process created our existing laws. Enforcing PC and Cancel Culture “law” is anti-democratic because if the people want such rules, they have a process to make them legally. In other words, political Correctness and Cancel Culture are the laws of insurrectionists trying to replace democracy with mob rule and tribalism. Any judge, prosecutor, or police officer punishing people for offenses not codified into law should be dishonorably discharged. They are paid to enforce the law, not opinions or feelings.
If a person thinks they have been punished for an offense not codified into law by legislators, they should be able to petition their Sheriff. The Sheriffs should be able to investigate the incident and determine if the judge, prosecutor, or law enforcement official violated the person’s civil rights and have the person dishonorably discharged if so.